In this article, well, take a look at how to DataStore and how to use it in a Kotlin Multiplatform project.
Recently Google announced a couple of Jetpack Multiplatform libraries. One is DataStore, a storage solution that allows you to store key-value pairs. This has been rewritten & is now available on Kotlin Multiplatform, targeting Android & iOS.
Something to take note of is that these libraries are experimental and should not be used on production apps!
What you will learn:
- Setting up Datastore.
- Dependency Injection.
- Creating a repository
- I am writing a test.
TvManiac Project
A lot is changing at the moment on this project as I am cleaning up and creating a better structure for this project. The changes referenced here can be found in this commit.
Flow redux settings by c0de-wizard · Pull Request #48 · c0de-wizard/tv-maniac
Add this suggestion to a batch that can be applied as a single commit. This suggestion is invalid because there are no changes…
Let’s get started!
For our project, we need to add the preference core dependency.
dependencies {
Now we need to create a function in
to help us create an instance of our DataStore object. We can use
pattern and have each platform have its implementation, but I will create a function and set it up when setting up injection. It’s a straightforward function that takes in two parameters: Coroutine scope and the filePath.
fun createDataStore(
coroutineScope: CoroutineScope,
producePath: () -> String
): DataStore<Preferences> = PreferenceDataStoreFactory.createWithPath(
corruptionHandler = null,
migrations = emptyList(),
scope = coroutineScope,
produceFile = { producePath().toPath() },
internal const val dataStoreFileName = "tvmainac.preferences_pb"
And that’s it. ? We can now move over to the injection of the DataStore. As I mentioned in my previous article, we have a “hybrid injection setup” where we use Hilt on the Android side and Koin on iOS; however, I plan on migrating to Koin in the future. ?
Dependency Injection:
This should be self-explanatory:
fun provideDataStore(
@ApplicationContext context: Context,
@DefaultCoroutineScope defaultScope: CoroutineScope
): DataStore<Preferences> = createDataStore(
coroutineScope = defaultScope,
producePath = { context.filesDir.resolve(dataStoreFileName).absolutePath }
IOS Koin Module:
For iOS, it’s almost similar. We need to create a function that creates the dataStoretore object and then add that to koin module
fun dataStore(scope: CoroutineScope): DataStore<Preferences> = createDataStore(
coroutineScope = scope,
producePath = {
val documentDirectory: NSURL? = NSFileManager.defaultManager.URLForDirectory(
directory = NSDocumentDirectory,
inDomain = NSUserDomainMask,
appropriateForURL = null,
create = false,
error = null,
requireNotNull(documentDirectory).path + "/$dataStoreFileName"
actual fun settingsModule(): Module = module {
single { dataStore(get()) }
Boom. We can now create a repository and use it to get the theme and set the theme. The implementation looks like so.
class SettingsRepositoryImpl(
private val dataStore: DataStore<Preferences>,
private val coroutineScope: CoroutineScope
) : SettingsRepository {
override fun saveTheme(theme: String) {
coroutineScope.launch {
dataStore.edit { settings ->
settings[KEY_THEME] = theme
override fun observeTheme(): Flow<Theme> = { theme ->
when (theme[KEY_THEME]) {
"light" -> Theme.LIGHT
"dark" -> Theme.DARK
else -> Theme.SYSTEM
companion object {
val KEY_THEME = stringPreferencesKey("app_theme")
The test is pretty simple.
Creating the DataStore & repository objects.
private var preferencesScope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(testCoroutineDispatcher + Job())
private val dataStore: DataStore<Preferences> = PreferenceDataStoreFactory.createWithPath(
corruptionHandler = null,
migrations = emptyList(),
scope = preferencesScope,
produceFile = { "test.preferences_pb".toPath() },
private val repository = SettingsRepositoryImpl(dataStore, testCoroutineScope)
Clear/remove the key after running a test.
The other thing we need to do is clear the saved item after running a test. We could do this two ways, delete the file in the application dir or remove the preferences using the key. We will use the latter. We do that by creating a function and using
annotation. We also need to cancel the context associated with the data store.
fun clearDataStore() = runBlockingTest {
dataStore.edit {
Since DataStore uses coroutines, we will use Turbine for tests. This isn’t complicated. Here, we test that the theme gets updated.
fun when_theme_is_changed_correct_value_is_set() = runBlockingTest {
repository.observeTheme().test {
awaitItem() shouldBe Theme.SYSTEM //Default theme
awaitItem() shouldBe Theme.DARK
One thing that I will improve in the future is deleting the generated test file. Right now, we ignore all
files created during testing.
This is how our test class looks like after stitching everything together.
private var preferencesScope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(testCoroutineDispatcher + Job())
private val dataStore: DataStore<Preferences> = PreferenceDataStoreFactory.createWithPath(
corruptionHandler = null,
migrations = emptyList(),
scope = preferencesScope,
produceFile = { "test.preferences_pb".toPath() },
private val repository = SettingsRepositoryImpl(dataStore, testCoroutineScope)
fun clearDataStore() = runBlockingTest {
dataStore.edit {
fun default_theme_is_emitted() = runBlockingTest {
repository.observeTheme().test {
awaitItem() shouldBe Theme.SYSTEM
fun when_theme_is_changed_correct_value_is_set() = runBlockingTest {
repository.observeTheme().test {
awaitItem() shouldBe Theme.SYSTEM //Default theme
awaitItem() shouldBe Theme.DARK
Final Thoughts
We’ve covered steps for using DataStore in a Kotlin Multiplatform project. I must say, it was super simple to get this up and running. You can use this in your ViewModel. For my project, I’m using a FlowRedux StateMachine, which I will discuss in the next post.
Any comments, good or bad, are always welcome.
- Check out the DiceRoller sample app.
- Jetpack Multiplatform Libraries.
Thanks to Marton Braun for reviewing this article.